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D I G N I T Y OF L I F E , H U M A N  A N D  W O R K

Classic columns pillars white marble. Athens Greece Academy neoclassical building entrance

Our certified labor attorneys are experts in providing cutting edge legal advice on labor laws for both personal and corporate clients. 

We Offer

For Workers

If you received unfair discipline such as dismissal, or are suffering from industrial accident or unpaid wages, you need the help of a truly experienced labor attorney in your corner willing to fight for you. Athens will aggressively fight against it on your behalf to get you the compensation you deserve.


For Employers

Athens provides legal advisory services on general labor laws and establishment or revision of company's regulations. Also, we offer lectures on labor laws such as sexual harassment prevention as well as consulting in relation to implementations of HR practices.

Interpretation and Translation

Bilingual labor attorneys expedite legal communication with the headquarters of foreign companies by providing simultaneous interpretation and translation services.

Our Team has the Knowledge and Expertise to Ensure Professional, Accurate, High Quality Service

전사의 고대 그리스어 조각
대리석 흉상


A fact can be defined in various ways depending on what perspectives they have. With that in mind, Athens will remake the movie by separating the sequences of events into pieces across time and locations.

​부산 노무사, 명지 노무사, 녹산 노무사, 부당해고, 임금체불, 노동조합 자문, 산재

​부산광역시 강서구 명지국제2로 41 퍼스트월드샤인 21F 2106, 아테네노무사사무소

T. 051-292-6677   F. 051-292-6655

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